The Vacant cards

Wail of the ShroudSpecialCurse0Gain 1 (2) thevacant:Shroud. Lose 4 HP. Exhaust.
CorporeateBasicSkill1thevacant:Mill 5 (7). Gain thevacant:Temperance for each card thevacant:Milled. thevacant:Return 1 card.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
Soul BashBasicAttack0thevacant:Ricochet. Deal 3 (4) damage. Gain 3 (4) Vigor.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
Battle ScarsCommonSkill0Gain 4 (6) Vigor. thevacant:Hollow: Gain 4 (6) thevacant:Temperance.
Brass MagnetCommonAttack0thevacant:Ricochet. Deal 11 (14) damage. Whenever you draw this card, discard it.
CowerCommonSkill1Gain 3 (4) Block twice. thevacant:Hollow: Increase Block by 2 (3).
DigCommonSkill1Gain 7 (10) Block. thevacant:Mill 3 (5). thevacant:Return 1 card.
DoomedCommonAttack1Deal 14 (17) damage. Apply 2 thevacant:Doom to EVERYONE this turn.
Emerald SplashCommonAttack1Deal 5 (7) damage. Deal damage again to a random enemy. thevacant:Mine a size 1 (2) thevacant:Emerald.
Eye "Poke"CommonAttack0Deal 2 (4) damage. Apply 2 (3) Weak.
FlingCommonAttack1Deal 10 (13) damage. Gain 1 thevacant:Dizzy. thevacant:Mill 5 (7).
Grave WaveCommonAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage. Put a card from your discard pile into your hand.
JabCommonAttack0thevacant:Ricochet. Deal 4 (7) damage. Shuffle this card into your draw pile.
PartakeCommonSkill0Gain 8 (11) Block. Gain 2 Weak.
PickaxeCommonAttack1Deal 4 (5) damage twice. thevacant:Chip your next thevacant:Gem (!M! times).
Ruby RageCommonSkill1thevacant:Mine 2 size 2 (3) thevacant:Rubies. thevacant:Hollow: thevacant:Chip them.
Sapphire StrikeCommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. thevacant:Mine a size 3 thevacant:Sapphire.
Shrieking BlastCommonAttack1(Voidbound.)Deal 3 damage to ALL enemies 2 times.
ThoughtseizeCommonAttack1thevacant:Ricochet. Deal 8 (9) damage. thevacant:Return 1 (2) card(s).
TreasureCommonSkill0thevacant:Mine a size 1 thevacant:Emerald and a size 1 thevacant:Opal. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
VlazeCommonAttack0Voidbound. Deal 4 (6) damage. Gain 1 (2) Void. Exhaust.
Wear the GobletCommonSkill2thevacant:Ricochet. Gain 10 (14) Block. When you thevacant:Mill this card, it costs 0 this turn.
Aw ManUncommonSkill0Gain 2 thevacant:Doom this turn. thevacant:Mine a size 2 (3) thevacant:Ruby and a size 2 (3) thevacant:Onyx.
Back in the MineUncommonAttack3Deal 15 (18) damage to ALL enemies. Costs 1 less this turn for each thevacant:Gem you have.
Burden BreakUncommonPower1 (0)Whenever you take unblocked damage or gain a debuff, gain 3 Vigor.
Cleanse SoulUncommonPower0thevacant:Ricochet. Whenever you thevacant:Mill a Status or Curse, Exhaust it and gain 3 (5) thevacant:Temperance.
Cracked ReflectionUncommonPower1thevacant:Unnate. (not thevacant:Unnate.) At the start of your turn and whenever you gain a debuff, thevacant:Mine a random size 1 thevacant:Gem.
Cursed BlastUncommonAttack1(Voidbound.)thevacant:Unnate. Deal 9 (11) damage. Gain 2 Void.
Delve into DarknessUncommonSkill1thevacant:Mill 3 (5). thevacant:Ricochet Skills. thevacant:Hollow: Gain 2 thevacant:Shroud.
DesperationUncommonSkill1thevacant:Ricochet. The next 2 (3) cards you play cost 0 and Exhaust. Exhaust.
EnchantUncommonSkill1Lose your next thevacant:Gem. (not Lose your next thevacant:Gem.) Give the (you next) thevacant:Gem's ability to a card in your hand for the rest of combat.
Frantic BlowUncommonAttack2Deal 14 (18) damage. thevacant:Hollow: Gain Block equal to unblocked damage dealt.
From the DepthsUncommonAttack1thevacant:Unnate. Deal 5 (7) damage twice. thevacant:Mine a copy of your next thevacant:Gem.
Gilded PickaxeUncommonAttack1Deal 8 (12) damage to ALL enemies. thevacant:Chip ALL your thevacant:Gems.
GloomUncommonPower2thevacant:Ricochet. Gain 4 (6) thevacant:Shroud. The first time you thevacant:Mill a Power each turn, thevacant:Ricochet it.
HexUncommonSkill1Apply 3 (4) thevacant:Doom. thevacant:Hollow: Target loses 3 (4) Strength this turn.
ImmaterializeUncommonPower1thevacant:Unnate. thevacant:Ricochet. Whenever a card thevacant:Ricochets, gain 3 (4) Block.
Into the AbyssUncommonPower1 (0)Whenever you gain or apply a debuff, gain 3 thevacant:Temperance.
Lash OutUncommonAttack1Deal damage equal to your missing HP (HP+3). Lose 4 (3) HP. Exhaust.
Onyx BlasterUncommonAttack1thevacant:Ricochet. Deal 7 (9) damage. thevacant:Mine a size 1 (2) thevacant:Onyx.
Opal FractureUncommonAttack2Gain 7 (8) Block. Deal 7 (8) damage. thevacant:Mine a size 2 (3) thevacant:Opal.
PolishUncommonSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block. Increase the size of ALL of your thevacant:Gems by 1.
Reaper BlastUncommonSkill0Apply 1 (2) thevacant:Reap, 2 (3) Weak, and 3 (4) Vulnerable to EVERYONE. Exhaust.
RecoverUncommonPower1At the end of battle, if you are thevacant:Hollow, heal 8 (12) HP.
RiftUncommonSkill1(Voidbound.)thevacant:Ricochet. Gain 6 Block. Make a card in your hand Voidbound.
Shatter AmethystUncommonSkill1thevacant:Ricochet. thevacant:Mine a size 4 (6) thevacant:Amethyst and thevacant:Chip it (twice).
ShowdownUncommonSkill0Apply 2 (4) thevacant:Doom to EVERYONE this turn. thevacant:Mill until you discard an Attack, then thevacant:Ricochet it.
SneezeUncommonSkill0(Innate.) Retain. thevacant:Mill 4 (5). When Retained, increase this card's thevacant:Mill by 2. Exhaust.
Soul BarrageUncommonAttackXDeal 7 (10) damage to a random enemy X times. thevacant:Hollow: Add 2 to X.
SpelunkUncommonSkill1Gain 8 (10) Block. When played or thevacant:Milled, thevacant:Mine a size 2 (3) thevacant:Sapphire.
SpinshieldUncommonSkill2Gain 6 (8) Block 3 times. Gain 1 thevacant:Dizzy.
ThreatenUncommonAttack1Deal 0 damage 4 (6) times. Exhaust.
Topaz FrenzyUncommonAttack1Deal damage equal to your Block. thevacant:Mine a size 1 thevacant:Topaz. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
UnearthUncommonSkill1thevacant:Unnate. (thevacant:Ricochet.) Put 2 cards from your discard pile into your hand.
Void EmbraceUncommonPower1Gain 3 (5) Void. Add a Void into your discard pile.
AcceptanceRarePower2Gain 3 (5) Artifact. Whenever you lose Artifact, draw a card.
Dark StrikeRareAttack3Deal 7 (10) damage to a random enemy. Repeat for each debuff you gained this combat.
Diamond Is UnbreakableRareSkillXthevacant:Mine a size X (X+1) thevacant:Diamond. Exhaust.
Dimension TearRareAttack2 (1)Deal 3 damage thrice. Add your Exhaust pile to your hand. Exhaust.
Empty ShieldRareSkill2(thevacant:Ricochet.)Gain Block equal to your missing HP. Exhaust.
Essence Of BismuthRareSkill1thevacant:Unnate. (thevacant:Heavy.) Double debuffs on ALL enemies. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
ExorciseRareSkill1(Retain.)Remove all your debuffs and apply them to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
Forge SoulRarePower1Whenever you thevacant:Mill a card, increase its damage and Block by 2 (3) for the rest of combat.
From NothingRareSkill1Give 1 (2) card(s) in your draw pile thevacant:Ricochet. thevacant:Mill your draw pile. Exhaust.
MemoriaRareSkill1This turn, your next (!M!) card(s) is (are) played twice and Exhausts (Exhaust).
Reach ThroughRarePower2 (1)Whenever you thevacant:Mine a thevacant:Gem, trigger its effect. Gain 2 thevacant:Antifact.
Reaper StrikeRareAttack1Apply 3 (4) thevacant:Reap and deal 6 (8) damage to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
RejectionRarePower2Gain 5 (7) Strength, 2 Weak, and 2 thevacant:Antifact.
RequiemRareAttack1Deal 10 (12) damage. Whenever you lose HP or gain a debuff, this enemy does as well. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Runic ThoughtsRarePower1(Innate.)After you thevacant:Mill, thevacant:Return 1.
Steal SoulRareAttackXDeal 7 (11) damage. thevacant:Syphon X Artifact and Strength. Exhaust.
The AnvilRareSkillUnplayable. thevacant:Unnate. thevacant:Heavy. When this card is thevacant:Milled, deal 18 (25) damage to ALL enemies.
Void FormRarePower3Gain 5 (6) Void. At the start of your turn, thevacant:Mill 5 (6).
VoidstoneRareSkill2Voidbound. Gain 2 (5) Block twice. Gain 3 thevacant:Shard. Exhaust.

The Vacant relics

Brass GobletStarterVacant_colorAt the start of combat, gain 2thevacant:Void.An ancient artifact with dark power.
Locket PieceCommonVacant_colorthevacant:Ricochet the first 2 cards you thevacant:Mill each combat.A reminder of a life lost. Or at least, a piece of one.
Silk TouchCommonVacant_colorThe first time you thevacant:Mine a thevacant:Gem each turn, trigger its effect without reducing its size.Swinging from side to side, side-side to side.
DeathbellUncommonVacant_colorAt the end of your first turn, if you are thevacant:Hollow, gain 10Temporary_HP.This flower is said to ward off ill times and death.
HollyRareVacant_colorWhenever you gain a debuff, reduce its amount by 1 to a minimum of 1.Borrowed from a steampunky snowman.
Polishing RagRareVacant_colorAt the end of your turn, increase the size of your 3 rightmost thevacant:Gems.Shiny gems are more powerful, everyone knows this.
Enshrouded GobletSpecialVacant_colorAt the start of combat, gain 2thevacant:Void and 2thevacant:Shroud.Darkness engulfs you.
Shroud FragmentSpecialVacant_colorAt the start of each combat, gain 3thevacant:Shroud.An unnatural darkness surrounds you.
Overflowing GobletBossVacant_colorReplaces BrassGoblet. At the start of combat, draw 2 cards and gain 2Artifact.An ancient artifact, now overflowing with dark power.
Overshrouded GobletBossVacant_colorReplaces EnshroudedGoblet. At the start of combat, gain 2thevacant:Void,Artifact, and thevacant:Shroud, and draw 2 cards.Darkness overflows.
TombstoneBossVacant_colorAt the start of combat, after you draw, thevacant:Mill your draw pile. Upon pickup, increase the power of your Goblet by 2.Just as we all go to the grave eventually, all cards go to the discard pile eventually.
Unbound SoulBossVacant_colorGain [E] at the start of your turn if you are thevacant:Hollow.As death closes in, the Goblet's hold on you weakens, and you feel your power grow.
Cracked Crystal BallShopVacant_colorThe first time you play a card each turn, add a copy to your hand with Ethereal and Exhaust.Sometimes magic leaking into the world is more powerful than when it is contained.

The Vacant potions

Sparkling TonicCommonMine a size
Abyss in a BottleUncommonMill8. Gain 2Void.
Scramble PotionUncommonDraw until your hand is full. Each card drawn has a 1 in 2 chance to be drawn face down.
Flask of InvisibilityRareGain 6Shroud.Block is not removed at the start of your next 2 turns.

The Vacant keywords

AntifactNegates the next buff.
BreakdownPrevents the next time you would lose HP this turn.
ChipTrigger the effect and reduce the size of a Gem.
DarknessWhenever a debuff is applied to this target, increase its amount.
DiamondGem: Gain 1Breakdown, which prevents the next time you would lose HP this turn.
DizzyNext turn, draw an extra card, but the first 3 cards you draw are face down.
DoomCreatures take more damage for each Doom they have.
EmeraldGem: Draw 1 card.
EveryoneALL enemies and you.
ExhumePut a card from your Exhaust pile into your hand.
GemGems are Orbs that reduce in size at the start of your turn.
HeavyWhen your deck is reshuffled, move to the bottom of the draw pile.
HollowHollow effects trigger if you are at or below 50% of your max health, OR if you are debuffed.
[#C687EE]Materialize[]If this card is Exhausted, it loses 1 Materialize at the end of your turn. Once all Materialize is lost, this card is moved to the top of your draw pile.
MillMove an amount of cards from the top of your draw pile to your discard pile.
MineCreate an orb slot and fill it with a Gem, which loses size at the start of your turn.
OnyxGem: Apply 1Doom to ALL enemies.
OpalGem: Gain [E]
PolishIncrease the size of a Gem.
ReapHeal this much HP when you attack this target. Removed at the start of your next turn.
ReturnMove the top playable card from your discard pile to your hand.
RicochetIf this card would be Milled, add it to your hand instead of the discard pile.
RiftTemporarily removes your debuffs for a number of turns. They still count towards your number of debuffs.
RubyGem: Gain 3Vigor.
SapphireGem: Gain 3Temperance.
ShardVoid affects ALL cards, regardless of if your draw pile is empty, for a number of turns. If you end your turn with an empty draw pile, Shard doesn't count down.
ShroudHalve incoming attack damage. Reduced by 1 at the start of your turn, and whenever you play an Attack.
SyphonRemove this power from the target and gain it yourself. If they do not have enough, they gain negative amounts.
TemperanceThe next time you Block, gain additional Block.
TopazGem: Gain 1Artifact.
UnnateStarts each combat at the bottom of your draw pile.
[#ee82ee]Void[]When your draw pile is empty, deal more damage and gain more Block.
[#ee82ee]Voidbound[]Void affects this card regardless of if your draw pile is empty.

The Vacant creatures

the VacantPlayer67-74